>KajiKit writes:
>Help! It's my first thanksgiving in the USA and I have no idea
>whatsoever about what's required. I'd hoped that we'd be invited to a
>'proper' thanksgiving someplace else but none of his family came up to
>bat, so I have to do it for us. We bought a 4-1/2 pound fresh turkey
>breast (the smallest they had in the store), some potatoes and a sweet
>potato to roast. What else do we need? In Australia turkey is a
>christmas dish, but I've never been the one to do the cooking - my
>uncle or my mother has! How do I roast the beast without ruining it?
>What else do I need to buy at the market tonight to make this a
>'proper' thanksgiving dinner?
>BTW, there are only two of us, so we don't want to overload... we'll
>be eating turkey for at least a week as it is!
Gotta have apple cider, no friggin' apple juice. Also sweet potato and
pineapple bake w/marshmallow topping.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."