Thread: Turkey Shoots.
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Jessica V.
Posts: n/a

Andy wrote:

> I remember going to turkey shoots as a kid. You paid $5 (IIRC). Several
> boxes were out in the field about 100' away and spaced across in
> "lanes" (one for each shooter). You loaded up your shotgun and when the
> turkey stuck it's head out of a hole in the top of the box and you blew
> it off, that was your bird!!! You only got three tries, then it would
> cost you another $5.
> It was very entertaining to watch!
> Andy

The rod and gun clubs here still have turkey shoots. Pay the entrance
fee, take the shoots, hit the bullseye, walk a way with a frozen turkey.
Takes some of the fun out of it, eh?

I was really hoping that my cat would take down one of the wild turkeys
that he's been eyeing while they trot through the yard. No dice. But
I'm not going to complain about a cat the catches woodchucks.
