Pu'er and losing drunkenness...heh.
Some of my tea-friends and I went to the disco and had quite a bit to
drink one night...bai jiu and beer mostly. We were pretty much
intoxicated and then went back to the teashop to drink some pu'er. I
couldn't count the number of standard drinks we each had embibed, but
after about 45 minutes of drinking pu'er things seemed much more
clear. It seems to have had the effect that many of the older men in
the shop told me about: If you drink too much, pu'er can make you
less drunk.
There was another night similar to this with the same result. This
time, though, we went to the rooftop of one of my friend's flat and he
brought out some tea that he said was probably close to 60 years old.
I questioned him on it...but I think he is to be believed since he had
been working in the teashop since he was a small boy and this was part
of his uncle's stash.....we probably ran that tea through 30 pao
(brewings) and it still had a good, strong flavor to it. He gave me
some of it in a small bag the next day! heh.
Anybody else have any experiences such as this? The lessening of
alcohol's effect, i mean.
thus then i turn me from my countries light, to dwell in the solemn shades of an endless night.