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  #182 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 04:30:55 GMT, Donna Rose
> wrote:

> In article >,
> says...
> >
> > Frozen pie crusts have gotten to the point where unless
> > you're a superior crust maker, they are as good or better
> > than what you make and if they are just as good as yours -
> > why waste your time?
> >
> > sf
> > Practice safe eating - always use condiments
> >

> Last week's SF Chronicle did a taste-test of frozen pie crusts. Out of a
> possible score of 100, the top rated one (I don't remember the name) was
> given 51 points. The tasting was done by pastry chefs, who all felt that
> they had little to worry about in terms of competition from the frozen
> offerings.

Frankly, most people can't tell or don't care - so there are
very few I take the time or effort to produce a "real" crust
for anymore... I can actually make decent pie crusts, but I
don't have the time or the inclination to do it at this
stage in my life.

Hey, want to make it a threesome when Christine and I get
together? I'm thinking January (but have to consult with
Christine first).

Practice safe eating - always use condiments