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Default Happy Thanksgiving...What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for my husband of 15 years, my children, my family. For my new
little nephew and his great big sister, and my also new little great nephew
and his wonderful momma. I am thankful that I am able to provide a bountiful
feast for family and friends even if it will be on Friday instead of
Thursday so that we can all be together. I am thankful for my mom who stayed
up til almost midnight tonight baking with me and my dad who gamely kept us
company until at least eleven I am thankful for the great people on here
who've given me so much inspiration and so many tasty ideas and recipes. I
am thankful that I am getting this hideous diabetes under control. I am
thankful that my brothers wife, who's been so sick since donating half of
her liver to her father, is hanging in there, brave woman that she is, and
even more thankful to everyone who's prayed for her.

I am thankful that it's bed time, and I can finally sleep!
