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>Scott Henrichs writes:
>So our oven broke this morning (heating element burned out) and we have
>aruged over two choices on what to do:
>1. (what we're planning on right now) turn the broiler on and monitor
>the temperature to be at 300 the entire day hopefully cooking the turkey
>fully on top and bottom
>2. Drive 35 miles to another working oven and then when done, drive back
>with turkey and warm it up with broiler.

I don't think I'd attempt a whole turkey on the typical outdoor home grill, not
even with a rotisserie attachment... and even if you dismembered it you'd need
to give it your constant attention for such large joints

Thanksgiving is a big sale day... head out to your local department store and
buy a new stove, that's what I'd do.... or consider getting one of those new
fangled countertop rotisseries... I remember years ago having one of those
humongous chrome behemoths, could handle a 20 pound turkey easily... an "Angus"
I think it was called.... toted it around throughout many moves figuring some
day it'd come in handy, shoulda held on to it I guess, don't remember what
happened to it.... you may be able to find a working model at your Good
Will/Salvation Army Thrift... only drawback is they are a pain to keep
sparkling clean. During the 50s everyone had one, even had a griddle on top.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."