In article <I5hpd.88357$SW3.28684@fed1read01>, "Nexis" >
> I am thankful for my husband of 15 years, my children, my family. For my new
> little nephew and his great big sister, and my also new little great nephew
> and his wonderful momma. I am thankful that I am able to provide a bountiful
> feast for family and friends even if it will be on Friday instead of
> Thursday so that we can all be together. I am thankful for my mom who stayed
> up til almost midnight tonight baking with me and my dad who gamely kept us
> company until at least eleven
I am thankful for the great people on here
> who've given me so much inspiration and so many tasty ideas and recipes. I
> am thankful that I am getting this hideous diabetes under control. I am
> thankful that my brothers wife, who's been so sick since donating half of
> her liver to her father, is hanging in there, brave woman that she is, and
> even more thankful to everyone who's prayed for her.
> I am thankful that it's bed time, and I can finally sleep!
I am thankful for my SO of 15 years, who was making key lime pie at 1
this morning. I'm thankful for our families. I am thankful for the
bums, who provide plenty of purrs and comic relief. I'm thankful for
our friends near and far, including the rfc cronies. And I'm very
thankful that I have some extra time this weekend to finish correcting
my students' projects.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
C.J. Fuller
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