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The Wolf
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zxcvbob > wrote:

> The Wolf wrote:
> > Dave Smith > wrote:
> >
> >
> >>The Wolf wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>>Reports on the web sites for both CNN and FOX said that one of the
> >>>>wounded told police that one of their party did shoot at Vang, but
> >>>>after he shot at them. I agree that it wouldn't be the first time that
> >>>>an accused person lied. Nor would it be the first time that a witness
> >>>>would lie. For that matter, it wouldn't be the first time that a news
> >>>>source lied, especially FOX.
> >>>
> >>>I didn't think you moose-****ers were allowed to watch Fox. Thought I
> >>>read by law you must get your news from the state run BBC or CBC?
> >>
> >>Then you must watch FOX news because they were the source of whining about
> >>having to wait to have their licence approved and they lied about that. I
> >>won't bother arguing facts with you on that one but you are welcome to
> >>research it on the net. See what FOX said about it and then see what
> >>really happened. Most people hear aren't much interested in FOX, nor do
> >>they consider it to be a reliable source for news.

> >
> >
> > NONE of it is reliable.......
> >
> > What's the difference between Dan Rather and George W. Bush?
> >
> > Bush doesn't lose his job next March!
> >
> > The only source of news on this shooting has been this thread for me.
> >
> > I am very interested to find out WHO fired first.......

> It really doesn't matter as much as you think. By his own admission,
> Vang came back to the scene, found one of the victims alive and said,
> "Aren't you dead yet??" and shot him again and killed him. That's an
> admission to 1 count of premeditated murder. Wisconsin doesn't have a
> death penalty, but I think that one murder should lock him away for the
> rest of his miserable life. If the jury is a bunch of idiots, they
> might can aquit on some of the shootings, but not that one. And one is
> all it takes.
> I can't figure out how he got a hunting license in WI with unpaid fines
> on his record from past violations. I've bought a fishing license in WI
> before, and they are all computerized. They still had my address in the
> computer from a previous license several years earlier (that wasn't even
> purchased in the same town.)
> Bob

There was a case in Southern Californian where a "minority" took a gun
from a cop and shot him dead while being arrested.

Since the cop had a history of making disparaging remarks about
"minorities" all the "minority had to do was say he feared for his life
and he was acquitted by a jury. You can assemble 12 brain dead libs.