Scott Henrichs > wrote in news:ukmpd.9273$xL.8775
> So our oven broke this morning (heating element burned out) and we have
> aruged over two choices on what to do:
> 1. (what we're planning on right now) turn the broiler on and monitor
> the temperature to be at 300 the entire day hopefully cooking the turkey
> fully on top and bottom
> 2. Drive 35 miles to another working oven and then when done, drive back
> with turkey and warm it up with broiler.
> Suggestions?
If I didn't already own one, I'd head over to Walmart and pick up an 18-20
quart electric roaster. They're really cheap now and do a creditable job.
Wayne in Phoenix
*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.