Steve Slatcher > wrote in message >. ..
> On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 19:59:18 GMT, "Fred Mau"
> > wrote:
> >Okay, I know that it's not uncommon for some people to be able to drink
> >white wine but get migraine headaches and other reactions from red wines,
> >there's plenty of theories on the net. Everything I see out there talks
> >about the "Red Wine Headache" syndrome.
> >
> >But I seem to be just the opposite - Reds have NEVER bothered me, and Whites
> >USUALLY don't bother me, but every once in a while I'll have a glass of
> >white wine that does exactly the same as what's classically attributed to
> >red wine: Even mid-way through one glass around dinnertime, I'll start
> >feeling hang-over like symptoms (Headache, slight quasiness, etc) and it
> >will last through the following day.
> >
> >Is this unusual, or what ?
> What sort of white wine do you drink? German wines used (not sure to
> what extent it is still true) often to contain high Suphur Dioxide
> levels. This can cause headaches in some people.
Not just in German wines but white wines generally have higher S02
levels. Headaches, however are *not* typically a symptom of allergic
reactions to sulfites, which run to more typical allergic symptoms:
tightness and itchiness in the throat, respiratory problems, that sort
of thing.
- Mark W.