Steve Calvin > wrote in
> Dog3 wrote:
>> "Nola" > wrote in
>> . com:
>>>My turkey started out as 11 pounds, but I tried some of this new
>>>stuff I keep getting email about and now it is 14 pounds. I think I
>>>may try one more dose and go for 16 pounds.
>> Brine it. It will be fine at 11 pounds. Mine is just 14 pounds for
>> the 2 of us. I'm leaving it as is and I'm going to brine it.
>> Michael
> We're going to be at Nancy's sisters for T-day but I'm making a 12 lb
> bird with all the trimmings on Friday for leftovers and fixin's for
> sandwiches for deer hunting in Pa. the following week. I can't stand
> having no leftovers.
Me either. I love the left overs. I've already got a new jar of mayo for
the sandwhiches. I also bought (lazy me) 2 pie crusts to make a pot pies.