Dog3 wrote:
> sf > wrote in
> :
>>On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 16:58:31 -0500, Steve Calvin
> wrote:
>>> Dog3 wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Me either. I love the left overs. I've already got a new jar of
>>> > mayo for the sandwhiches. I also bought (lazy me) 2 pie crusts to
>>> > make a pot pies.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Michael
>>> lol, I just bought two of them myself today. It was my turn to do
>>> the shopping and I figured I'd be lazy too.
>>Frozen pie crusts have gotten to the point where unless
>>you're a superior crust maker, they are as good or better
>>than what you make and if they are just as good as yours -
>>why waste your time?
>>Practice safe eating - always use condiments
> I am not a good crust maker or baker for that matter, I almost always buy
> baked goods, pie crust etc.
> Michael
My wife prides herself on her pie crusts but I buy the storebought dairy
case ones. This Thanksgiving we're each making a lemon chess pie, she in
homemade, mine in store crust. Friends are coming to dinner so we will
let them judge without telling them which is which. A little competition
never hurt anyone but, just in case, anyone have a spare bed handy? <VBG>