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"Space Cowboy" > wrote in message
> Wow, you maxed out your $2000 unverified CC spending limit on PP and
> now they want the bank account information shown on a personal check?

Actually they started asking me earlier than $2000...this was last spring
though, but I believe they changed their terms of service, if my memory
serves me correctly (and it may not) they lowered the 2000 to 500 or
something. Good point about the info on the check, I'll have to think about
that. Problem is, the "credit card" I use online is our Visa debit...if
Paypal makes a mistake transaction on that it comes out of our bank account.
So that's obviously a problem. By the way in case people didn't know, a visa
debit does NOT offer the same protection as a real credit are
responsible for more than the first $50 though if it's fraud I think you can
work with your bank. It's a pain.

> I like PP because the seller will never know your CC information. You
> get some other goodies besides what your CC gives you. You apparently
> haven't purchased anything from a website just set up to collect
> credit card information for resale even though you get what you paid
> for.

No I haven't thank goodness, though I have a feeling some of our personal
info was stolen from the databanks of a Very Large Internet Service Provider
and was used to make some fradulent purchases. Even when "they" say your
info is safe it isnt necessarily, IMO.

If you're going to use a CC on the Internet use something like a
> Virtual Visa at You pay up front to load and use
> and if stolen by a website the next bogus transaction will cancel
> because you only keep on balance what you paid for. If you see some
> bounced transaction message with the VV just set up a new one.

Good idea, I'll keep that in mind.

> that being said I wouldn't waste my PP/CC on any website that sells
> tea. So don't complain too Space Cowboy because I live in a metro
> area that sells tea and you probably do also but I can live with the
> fact that I don't have to drink whatever somebody else bought on a
> website and you do under the guise of convenience and choice.

I don't recall complaining to you. I do however like to let merchants know
that there are those of us out here that don't use Paypal and that that is
the main reason why I am not shopping with maybe makes them
realize there are unwashed masses out here, maybe even people who don't want
to "gasp" use any type of card at all. I don't consider convenience and
choice a "guise" I consider it a "blessing" (minus the religious connotation
please) and a very lucky thing to have. I also patronize my local merchants.
I have exactly one puer to choose from from among half a dozen different
local Asian stores. So no, I don't have a lot of choice there.

Speaking of choice, I've heard from more than one immigrant from East Africa
that the first time they set foot in a local grocery store (like a Safeway)
they literally broke down in tears because of the number of choices that we
have. (By "we I mean those of us in richer countries) So don't you tell me
it's not something to be grateful for...there are people that'd give their
eye teeth to have what some of us do. I'm happy with a cup of Tetley's but
then I'd like to try Bi Lo Chun, which I can't find anywhere around here. Is
that so wrong?
> Jim
> "Melinda" > wrote in message
> >...
>> Unfortunately for you there are those of us who do not use Paypal. I quit
>> using them when they started asking for my bank account number. If I can
>> use
>> my credit card through a normal checkout process on a website and I don't
>> need to give my account number then I feel I should be able to do so
>> through
>> Paypal but they don't see it that way. They say that it reduces card
>> fraud...I say my bank accnt number's none of their damn business...
>> Melinda