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  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Anna Ault
Posts: n/a

> That makes sense Anna,
> If the Lalvain microbiologists were very clever, they would have
> chosen or selectively bred lactobacilli that didn't survive cold well,
> so that you had to keep buying their product!
> I suppose the most important question is whether the taste is
> something special enough to be worth trying to keep. Can you describe
> it? Did you get the no.2 or the no.4? Maybe I should order a sample,
> braving the "beef traces."
> --Lisse <~~~~~~~~~~~~ long-term veggie-girl

As I recall, the taste was good. Definitely better then
storebought. No match for what I can get doing a three day build on
my starter these days, but a very nice introduction. And very

I believe that the beef trace refers to the medium they grow their
stuff on (I seem to recall someone asking about that at the baking
class I went too that they offered.)

If your interested in trying it you might want to see if KA is
offering a baking class near you -- they give you a free sample packet
and a little cookbook. And the classes are nice.
