sf wrote:
> I cruised FoodTV today trying to find the recipe I saw on 30
> minute meals that started off with diced apples and pears -
> not sure how it ended up, I was hoping for a cranberry
> compote. If anyone has a link, please post.
> sf
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments
Is this the recipe you're looking for:
These are dangerous times. When we are afraid, we want to be protected,
and since we cannot protect ourselves against such horrors as mass
murder by bombers, we are tempted to run to the government, a government
that is always willing to trade the promise of protection for our
freedom, which left, as always, the question: How much freedom are we
willing to relinquish for such a bald promise? -- Gerry Spence,
_From_Freedom_to_Slavery, 1995
email perronnelle at earthlink . net