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George Shirley
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Chris wrote:

> Denise~* > wrote in message >...
>>I'd have to agree with this & add that I have noticed that milk tends to
>>stay better longer in cardboard containers than in plastic. Just my
>>personal experiences though.

> I agree about plastic vs. cardboard, though I usually buy plastic
> anyway because we drink our milk pretty quickly. I also find that the
> higher the fat content of the milk, the more quickly it spoils.
> My one-year-old drinks whole milk, so we buy it in 1/2 gallon
> containers and after about 3 days, it starts to smell funny (to me --
> but I can always smell/taste the change much sooner than anyone else).
> Ideally, I'd buy his milk in quarts, but that gets really expensive.
> The rest of the family drinks skim milk, which we buy in gallon
> plastic jugs. It's usually good up to 4 days.
> I don't know how long it takes for the milk to downright spoil,
> because I toss it once it starts tasting a little funny. And I'm a
> freak about leaving the milk out of the fridge -- it is just not done
> in our house -- not even for a minute!
> Chris

I found that a large part of the "smells funny" on milk comes from the
residue around the lid. It goes bad fast and that is what I was
smelling. Once I started wiping down the threads on the plastic bottle
or just the lip area with a paper towel it didn't smell bad so quick.

Could you come and talk to my wife of 44 years about leaving food out of
the fridge? I still haven't convinced her it's a bad thing to do. Oh
well, I knew she was absent minded when I married her.
