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  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>I am thankful for my husband of 15 years, my children, my family. For my new

>little nephew and his great big sister, and my also new little great nephew.

>and his wonderful momma. I am thankful that I am able to provide a bountiful
>feast for family and friends even if it will be on Friday instead of
>Thursday so that we can all be together. I am thankful for my mom who stayed
>up til almost midnight tonight baking with me and my dad who gamely kept us
>company until at least eleven I am thankful for the great people on here
>who've given me so much inspiration and so many tasty ideas and recipes. I
>am thankful that I am getting this hideous diabetes under control. I am
>thankful that my brothers wife, who's been so sick since donating half of
>her liver to her father, is hanging in there, brave woman that she is, and
>even more thankful to everyone who's prayed for her.
>I am thankful that it's bed time, and I can finally sleep!

I hope that you have a wonderful feast.

I am thankful that my mother had a blessed release from this earth on June 8th.
She was ready to go, bless her heart.
I am thankful for all my mother gave to me, in many ways. I am thankful for my
dad, being the loving father he is.

I am thankful for these dumb cats who live around here and fight and snarl.
When Tuner sleeps on my lap I sleep better. Bless her!