Thread: Signature Dish?
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Nathalie Chiva
Posts: n/a

On 24 Nov 2004 19:44:23 GMT, onono (Nancree) wrote:

>Nathalie Chiva wrote:
>Favorite dish
>>Chopped liver
>>1 lb chicken livers, poached and drained
>>1 lb onions, chopped
>>5 hard-boiled eggs
>>1 tbsp goosefat (originally, chicken fat - goosefat is much easier for
>>me to find)
>>Salt, pepper
>>Chop everything together - the result mustn't be totally smooth,
>>though. Melt the fat on low heat, add to mixture, add salt and pepper,
>>mix well. Wait 1 full day before eating (it makes a huge difference).
>>Nathalie in Switzerland

>Thanks, Nathalie. You always make such nice contributions to this newsgroup. I
>will make your recipe. I have a friend who adds a bit of cognac. Have a happy
>Thanksgiving (even though you probably don't have that there in Switzerland)
>Here, it commemorates the gratitude of the first Pilgrims to arrive in America,
>for a safe transit of the Atlantic and the establishment of their small colony.
>Best wishes, Nancree

Thanks .-) I would like to post more, but don't have enough time...

Nathalie in Switzerland