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Sheryl Rosen
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in article 3g%pd.105480$5K2.14659@attbi_s03, Julia Altshuler at
wrote on 11/27/04 8:26 AM:

> I guess the day after Thanksgiving is bound to be awful for people in
> the restaurant-food business since people have leftovers in the house
> but good for people in the retail-food business since people buy gifts.
> Has that been the experience of the people on this list? If that
> theory is correct, yesterday we learned that the wine and cheese shop
> where I work is looked at more as a restaurant-food business than a
> retail-food business.
> --Lia

I know for me, wine and gourmet food items are gifts that I'm most likely to
pick up more at the last minute. Especially if the stores are not located
in malls. That's because they are easy gifts to pick up.

I went shopping yesterday....I went to 2 stores. Left my house at 6:30, was
at the mall 10 minutes later. Spent a little more than 2 hours shopping,
then was off to Kohl's for the rest of my list. The lines at the mall
department store were not bad at all, maybe 3-4 deep. And the shopping was
easy, it wasn't all that crowded. I didn't venture out into the mall, I
just went into the one store I needed and left via the same door I came in.

Kohl's was another story entirely! Crowded....merchandise everywhere, name it. Of course, it was only 9:30 and the store had been open
for 4 hours!!!!! Still, I was able to complete my list, except for a small
item for my BIL and something for my friend's parents. I also need a few
more gift boxes and a couple skeins of yarn to complete some crocheted gifts
I'm making, so I can probably finish up my list at Walmart.

Oh, and b/c Kohl's gave out $10 gift certificates good for next week with
every $50 you spent, I can go back next week to pick up a couple serving
pieces for my Chanukah party. :-)