Black Friday purchase
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Tony P.
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In article >,
> Andy wrote:
> > Finally bought a multicooker. 12-qt. stockpot with pasta and steamer
> > inserts and glass lid w/vent.
> >
> > $40.00
> >
> > PITA to clean, imho. Oh well, always wanted one for some reason.
> I've never understood that "Black Friday" thing. When I was actively
> selling my food products in farmers' markets, it was always about 10
> times better than my next best day. Black Friday should be reserved
> for disastrous occasions, not the ones that pay the bills. <G>
> I always think of it as "Green Friday."
It is an accounting term. Normal entries on balance sheets and other
financial statements are written in black or blue while negative entries
or those showing a loss are written in red.
Retail is in the red for most of the year, their best quarter for
revenue and profit being the fourth quarter where all the holidays are
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