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Bob (this one)
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Tony P. wrote:

> In article >, says...
>>Andy wrote:
>>>Finally bought a multicooker. 12-qt. stockpot with pasta and steamer
>>>inserts and glass lid w/vent.
>>>PITA to clean, imho. Oh well, always wanted one for some reason.

>>I've never understood that "Black Friday" thing. When I was actively
>>selling my food products in farmers' markets, it was always about 10
>>times better than my next best day. Black Friday should be reserved
>>for disastrous occasions, not the ones that pay the bills. <G>
>>I always think of it as "Green Friday."

> It is an accounting term. Normal entries on balance sheets and other
> financial statements are written in black or blue while negative entries
> or those showing a loss are written in red.

I understand the accounting forms. I've run my own businesses since
the 70's.

> Retail is in the red for most of the year, their best quarter for
> revenue and profit being the fourth quarter where all the holidays are
> clustered.

I can't imagine being in a business that operates at a loss for any
significant part of the year. My restaurants were profitable from day
1 and stayed that way. Startup costs amortized across three years.
Everything (costed for materials, equipment and labor) on all menus
was profitable or it wasn't there.

I guess retail wouldn't be the business for me. I'd be nuts having to
count on a month to rescue an otherwise unprofitable year.
