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Nancy Young
Posts: n/a

Sheryl Rosen wrote:

> I went shopping yesterday....I went to 2 stores. Left my house at 6:30,


> was
> at the mall 10 minutes later. Spent a little more than 2 hours shopping,
> then was off to Kohl's for the rest of my list. The lines at the mall
> department store were not bad at all, maybe 3-4 deep. And the shopping was
> easy, it wasn't all that crowded. I didn't venture out into the mall, I
> just went into the one store I needed and left via the same door I came in.
> Kohl's was another story entirely! Crowded....merchandise everywhere,
> name it. Of course, it was only 9:30 and the store had been open
> for 4 hours!!!!! Still, I was able to complete my list, except for a small
> item for my BIL and something for my friend's parents. I also need a few
> more gift boxes and a couple skeins of yarn to complete some crocheted gifts
> I'm making, so I can probably finish up my list at Walmart.

I give you credit, sounds like you're just about done. Congratulations.
