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> "Gregory Morrow" writes:
>Michael Horowitz wrote:
>> Assume a side dish is cooked some time earlier in the day in any old
>> containor. Now it's time to reheat it in the oven and get it on the
>> table. The white Corningware just doesn't fit in with Aunt Sissy's
>> fine china. Clunky.
>> I'm off to Bed Bath and Beyond to stroll the aisles, but is anyone
>> using oven-to-table cookware that would fit with the nice china? -

>Why don't you simply serve your guests? I can't imagine making my guests
>pass containers of food around the table. It's cheap, tacky, and a
>PITA...very poor manners.

I have to agree, highly uncouth... on par with an Italian "football wedding".

Passing hot ceramic/oven ware is also dangerous.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."