Steve Lee wrote:
> I know this sounds like an odd question and of course pork is supposed
> to smell like pork, but please bear with me on this one.
> Sometimes when I cook pork, I get that strong, what I can only
> describe it as being the "pork" smell. It's that smell from the
> cooked pork that's too strong to handle. Just the right amount and
> you know you're eating pork, but when it gets too strong, I can't
> handle it and it's another dinner ruined for me. Have any of you
> encoutered this before?
> I've tried different meat shops and markets, but I often encounter
> this problem in my dishes with pork and I'm wondering if there's
> something I'm doing wrong or not doing to avoid this.
> Do any of you have suggestions to reduce the possibility of a too
> strong porky smell in your pork dishes? Thanks for your time and
> courtesy.
Sounds like my serious aversion to the smell of raw chicken in the
microwave. Smells like peanut butter. Funny thing, I don't mind the
smell of peanut butter unless it's chicken. It's forbidden in this
house, I can tell you that.