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Gary Woods
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Samartha > wrote:

>If you have the volume you want, deduct 10 % and plug it into my sourdough
>calculator and you should get the dough/water/starter/salt weights.


And a semi-dumb followup: I don't have a mixer with enough testosterone
for dough, so I mix/knead by hand. Not so bad, and I can use some excess
energy in a socially acceptable way. With rye flour, you're not really
developing gluten are you? So the objective is just to get the ingredients
thoroughly mixed?
The starter was pretty soupy and foaming nicely, so I put in some more of
the rye flour I made a few days ago and put it back in the "proofing box."
I'll grind the prescribed weight of rye shortly, and mix the ingredients.
In an odd way, my unexpected bachelorhood is a bonus: Nobody will complain
about what I'm doing to the kitchen!


Gary Woods AKA K2AHC- PGP key on request, or at
Zone 5/6 in upstate New York, 1420' elevation. NY WO G