Damsel in dis Dress > wrote in message >. ..
> turkey?
> Ours weighs in at just under 14 pounds. I have NO clue if that's a good
> size for two people.
> Carol
I don't have one - I'll go eat a chicken dinner out that evening.
T-Day here is not the big holiday celebration it is in North America.
It's more of a church day for those who wish to give thanks. Families
may have a special evening meal but that is about it. Turkeys,
stuffing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin are all available for the North
Americans who want to do the big spread. It's a normal day of teaching
school for me - 7am to 4 pm so I don't really have the inclination to
do the T-day meal. There's a restaurant in town owned by an American
that is doing a T-day meal but they are having dinner at 2pm - so I
don't get to do that celebration. Christmas on the other hand is a
never ending party and celebration. Food, food, and more food - and
rompopo - the local version of eggnog.