PENMART01 wrote:
> Katra'inka writes:
> >stewart wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm considering a pressure-marinador.
> >> your thoughts???
> >
> >Why??? :-)
> >
> >When I marinade, I use a BIG bowl and make sure that the meat is well
> >covered with the liquid
> A big bowl wastes a lot of marinade. I gotta squeeze my meat into an extra
> large, super-size, jumbo Zip-Loc condom... um, Katra'inka, you okay... all of a
> sudden you look faint. hehe
> Sheldon
> ````````````
Oooohhhh baaaybee!!!! ;-D
>^,,^< Cats-haven Hobby Farm >^,,^< >^,,^<
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all owned by cats" -- Asimov
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