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"jmcquown" > wrote in message
. ..
> Andy wrote:
>> "Bob (this one)" > wrote in
>> :
>>> Andy wrote:
>>>> Finally bought a multicooker. 12-qt. stockpot with pasta and steamer
>>>> inserts and glass lid w/vent.
>>>> $40.00
>>>> PITA to clean, imho. Oh well, always wanted one for some reason.
>>> I've never understood that "Black Friday" thing. When I was actively
>>> selling my food products in farmers' markets, it was always about 10
>>> times better than my next best day. Black Friday should be reserved
>>> for disastrous occasions, not the ones that pay the bills. <G>
>>> I always think of it as "Green Friday."
>>> Pastorio

>> Pastorio,
>> I imagine it's a financial reference, "being in the black" as opposed
>> to "being in the red".
>> Andy

> Exactly. The day after Thanksgiving in the USA is known for being the
> busiest shopping day of the year, so for retailers it often puts them "in
> the black" financially speaking.
> Jill

It isn't really the busiest shopping day of the year, though. Usually
December 23rd is, or the Saturday right before Chirstmas Day.
