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>Dave Smith writes:
>Michael P Gabriel wrote:
>> Hi
>> I don't buy, the 1.25 a head for leaf lettuce because of finances..
>> I saw it as high as 1.39!! And, I don't believe that head lettuce has
>> the nutrition of green leaf lettuce.

>They are both pretty close to zero for most nutritional needs. You get
>almost as much food value out of a glass of water.

Leaf lettuces happen to be highly nutritious... methinks you're confusing leaf
lettuce with iceberg. But iceberg lettuce has wonderful texture... most folks
ruin it by bashing it about and separating the leaves (they have no class,
except urban democrat ghetto low)... iceberg lettuce is best served sliced into
large slabs, chunks, wedges, and eaten freshly dressed... presented with proper
accompaniments; hard egg slices, diakon radish chiffonade, and boiled shelled
shrimp. Dave, you're way too indoctrinated with fast food burger lettuce, a
gourmet you're not.

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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."