PENMART01 wrote:
>> "Ken Davey"
>>> PENMART01 wrote:
>>>> Dave Smith writes:
>>>> Michael P Gabriel wrote:
>>>>> I don't buy, the 1.25 a head for leaf lettuce because of
>>>>> finances.. I saw it as high as 1.39!! And, I don't believe that
>>>>> head lettuce has the nutrition of green leaf lettuce.
>>>> They are both pretty close to zero for most nutritional needs. You
>>>> get almost as much food value out of a glass of water.
>>> Leaf lettuces happen to be highly nutritious... methinks you're
>>> confusing leaf lettuce with iceberg. But iceberg lettuce has
>>> wonderful texture... most folks ruin it by bashing it about and
>>> separating the leaves (they have no class, except urban democrat
>>> ghetto low)... iceberg lettuce is best served sliced into large
>>> slabs, chunks, wedges, and eaten freshly dressed... presented with
>>> proper accompaniments; hard egg slices, diakon radish chiffonade,
>>> and boiled shelled shrimp. Dave, you're way too indoctrinated with
>>> fast food burger lettuce, a gourmet you're not.
>> To quote a friend - "Lettuce has only one reason to be. It is handy
>> for conveying really rich salad dressings to the mouth. Ideally,
>> lettuce can be licked off and returned to the cooler, none the worse
>> for wear and ready for another go-around".
> You illiterate *******... yet another putz who should never set foot
> in a kitchen... Kenny Devoid, you're a friggin' imbecile.
Not to put a damper on your intellect - wanna to go one-on-one in the
'smarts' department?
Just because you feel superior to your pet trailer park doesn't make you
Without the help of a dictionary you couldn't out-spell Shirley Temple.
Care to point out an original thought you have had since discovering usenet?
Zeez - wadda putz!
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