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>Stan Horwitz wrote:
>>I am thankful for my health, such as it is. I received a "warning sign"
>>on Nov. 8 that sent me to a hospital for two days and then recuperating
>>at my parents' house until yesterday. I had a minor stroke. The prognosis
>>is for a complete recovery, probably because I am still fairly young and
>>strong. While at the hospital, I learned that I have Type II diabetes,
>>but I am controlling it nicely with a low does of medicine, and a change
>>in my diet.
>>So, although I definitely would have preferred not to have had a stroke,
>>at least I am on track for a full recovery, and I learned first hand the
>>importance of my maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I am a little bummed
>>now (after seeing my doctor again this morning) that I am now more
>>fragile than I prefer, but I will persevere. Frankly now, food has lost
>>a lot of appeal to me. I did get to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with my
>>family, and thanks to exercising right after the big feast and reducing
>>my carb intake, my blood glucose was only a tad over 100 when I checked
>>it around two hours after dinner. Not bad. I can get my blood sugar down
>>to the 90-100 range just be walking briskly for a mile or two after
>>eating, which is pretty cool. I even set up a spreadsheet on my laptop
>>to track my glucose readings so I can see what happens after I eat
>>different kinds of foods.
>>So that's what I am thankful for this year.

I'm sorry to hear about your ordeal... hang in there. I guess this means no
more ketchup...

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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."