On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 15:52:26 -0800, "Nexis" > wrote:
>Well due to the scattering of family and friends all over on Thanksgiving,
>we decided to have the big bird dinner yesterday instead so that we could
>enjoy it with said family and friends. All in all, it was a delightful day
>and a wonderful meal! I have to say, I do wish I'd have gotten one more
>breast so there would have been more leftovers! All told, including kids and
>myself, there were 15 people. Here's what was on the menu:
>Spinach onion dip in a bread bowl
>Pate with green onions and olives
>Assorted crudités and dip
>Assorted crackers and cheeses
>Assorted olives
>Roast Turkey with sage butter
>Sage Dressing
>Rich Turkey gravy
>Smashed Taters
>Trader Joe's Cranberry sauce (a favorite of ours!)
>Asparagus with rosemary and pine nuts
>Cream & Sugar sweet corn (from my Aunt Margaret)
>Assorted sparkling juices: Cranberry, French Berry Lemonade, Sicilian
>Orange, Blood Orange, Wildberry, and Raspberry.
>Hot Cinnamon Sunset tea
>Pies: Pumpkin, Chocolate Cream, Lattice-Top Cherry, and Black Bottom Coconut
>Cream. Also, there was a dessert my friend brought that had a pecan based
>crust, a cream cheese layer, a vanilla custard layer and a chocolate custard
>layer, topped with whipped cream and shaved chocolate. Her family calls it
>custard pie.
>Coffee: Blue Mountain, Peppermint, and Chocolate Velvet
>Peppermint Cocoa
>I have a small-ish 50 yr old Thermador oven, so there was no way to do both
>a Turkey (16.5lb) and the additional breast so I borrowed my mom's roaster.
>I made my grandma's sage butter and slipped it under the skin, then all over
>the surface of the skin too. I roasted the whole bird unstuffed and put the
>dressing and the breast in the roaster. Wow, it was moist! And I daresay it
>was the best dressing I ever made.
>I found a blood orange avocado oil that I sautéed the asparagus in along
>with rosemary and pine nuts.
>The day before, I baked the pies (well just the crust for the chocolate and
>coconut cream) and made stock from roasted turkey wings & necks (along with
>onions, celery, shallots, a couple carrots, and peppercorns, made the
>toasted coconut ganache for the black bottom part of the coconut cream pie,
>and made the pate. Wednesday night my mom and I made dough for wheat
>rolls,white rolls, cloverleaf rolls, and crescent rolls, so I baked those
>the day before too. That freed up the oven yesterday and all I had to do was
>make the dressing, prepare the bird and breast, and make the sides, which
>meant I was able to spend more time with my guests...which was really nice.
>I hope, however you spent the last couple days, you enjoyed life.
Hey, why not come over to our house next year? Bring some of that
blood orange avacado oil.
"Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
-- Jimmie Dale Gilmore