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Wayne Boatwright > wrote in message >...
> onono (Nancree) wrote in
> :
> > I read part of your moving description of severe food shortage in
> > wartime Britain, and could not locate it again. Would you please post
> > it, or one like it, again? I would like to show it to my children.
> > Thank you so much. Nancree

> Is that going to be another version of "you better finish your food because
> children in China are starving"? <guilty grin>

(smile) Actually, no, but I can see why you guessed that. I believe
in keeping history alive for our children. Especially history that
has taken place in our (the parents) lifetime, which our children may
be only vaguely aware of. My children now travel to, say, London, and
know about hotels, monuments, moments in earlier history. But I think
it makes the visit more meaningful if they know about wartime London.
The expectance
of imminent invasion by German troops--the street signs of London all
taken down to confuse the invading Germans--no signs on the buses. Air
raid sirens, hundreds of bombs hitting London, children sent, by
government order, away from London to live with families in the
countryside. The long fight back to the war's end. Then, post-war
deprivation--skimpy supplies of food, fuel, transportation, clothing,
shoes. Well, that's what I think we all, including our children,
should remember. (so, no, we don't have to tell our children "you
better finish your food because children in China" etc.)
But thanks for your reply, Wayne. Regards, Nancree

Combine all ingredients. Pour into greased 1 1/2 quart casserole dish.
Bake at 350° for 50 to 55 minutes.