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well, I just discovered it's beauty (scalding). In general, the crumb is
more elastic/moist and the taste appears milder (unconfirmed). That's with
my standard 50/50 rye mix bread and just the rye addition being scalded
(first time). It's yet another variable.

Many so-called "Vollkorn" (German: contains whole grain kernels) breads
something like that:
(full grain sun - sunflower seeds, probably)
(monastery bread)
(full grain juicy)
(power block)
- all natural sourdough breads, btw. and Urkorn = primal grain

Those are probably using scalding or soaking to get the moistness and taste
with the full kernels used. But this are industrialized breads;
nevertheless excellent but probably a major project to achieve as a home

Bordinsky bread has scalded rye and malt fermented with all the dough water
in the scald as preferment stage which gives very high entertainment value!

Bordinsky style bread differs from a 100 % or 90 % FG rye also in crumb
elasticity, taste properties unconsidered.

Just try it && see what happens. Seems scalding is more suitable with
either full grain kernels or rye (unconfirmed). I would imagine that white
wheat flour could turn into useless glue/porridge (unconfirmed).


At 02:16 PM 11/27/2004, you wrote:

>Hi Samartha,
>I have not experimented with the scalding at all... Can you
>please say more about the change in the crumb?
>If you email... Please remove the "SPAMLESS."
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remove "-nospam" when replying, and it's in my email address