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In article >,
(Michael P Gabriel) wrote:

> Hi
> I don't buy, the 1.25 a head for leaf lettuce because of finances..
> I saw it as high as 1.39!! And, I don't believe that head lettuce has
> the nutrition of green leaf lettuce.
> I have tons of beets from my I've been fast frying beet
> tops with a little olive oil, or just steaming with a little water. I
> add a few pine nuts and currants and they are delicious!
> Am I getting the same nutriotion from the beet tops as I would be if I
> bought my usual green leaf lettuce? The beets AND tops are FRESH
> What say?
> Thanks folks,
> Mike
> Picture Rocks , AZ

IMHO the beet tops are the only part worth eating... ;-)

I detest beets, but adore the beet greens! When mom was around, she
loved the beets so I'd cook those for her and share the greens with her
as well...

Try some chard. Chard is similar to beet greens but a little bit milder.

Sprout the MungBean to reply

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