In article >,
Dave Smith > wrote:
> Michael P Gabriel wrote:
> > Hi
> > I don't buy, the 1.25 a head for leaf lettuce because of finances..
> > I saw it as high as 1.39!! And, I don't believe that head lettuce has
> > the nutrition of green leaf lettuce.
> They are both pretty close to zero for most nutritional needs. You get
> almost as much food value out of a glass of water.
> >
Not true......
Beet greens are rich in Iron, Magnesium and trace minerals.
Lettuce is next to useless. I won't even eat it anymore except for a
small amount of the winter butter crisp lettuce I grow in the winter.
For a lettuce substitute in sandwiches and salads tho', I usually use
fresh spinach leaves.
Sprout the MungBean to reply
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