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On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 12:18:22 -0500, wrote:

>I am making this tomorrow for 30 people. There will also be stuffing,
>asparagas, roasted eggplant, salad and the turkey and brisket.
>In the potatoes I plan to put roasted garlic, milk, cream cheese, some
>rosemary and some sauted oinions. I have no idea of the proportions
>yet, I never do until I make it and I've never made this,
>So, here is my question. Can I make it today for tomorrow and what is
>the best way to warm it up. We have a built in wall oven that is too
>narrow and inside will be the brisket warming in two roasting pans.
>There is a little room on the sides if I turn the pans so the
>"colapsable handles" go in head first, but only 5 inches. We have a
>gas grill in the backyard and a microwave and the stove will be
>available. We may have to heat up the asparagas and egglant.
>So, you can see the dilemmas. Any advice?

I have heard from several sources that mashed potatoes do very well if
made early in the morning and left in a crockpot on low; but I've also
heard it depends on the crockpot. Some of the newer ones get too hot
for it. Still, that might be an option if you have an appropriate one

Tracy R.