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Katra wrote:
> In article >,
> sf > wrote:
>>On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 10:43:34 -0600, Katra
> wrote:
>>> I googled, they are white wood ear. :-)
>>> Reconstitute to a crispy/chewy texture.
>>> But, after eating them, my face broke out in hives and has taken 4 days
>>> to heal. :-P I'm not 100% sure that they are the culprit but I've never
>>> had my face break out like this before and these were the only "new"
>>> foods I've added to my diet this week.
>>> I'll let my poor itchy sore face heal up, then try them once again to
>>> pin it down...
>>> --

>>I hope all is well soon! Sorry to hear you had a bad
>>reaction... but as they say - it coulda been worse, at least
>>you lived through it. So in keeping with the season, count
>>your blessings (or you can count your hives).
>>) (if you're in the mood)
>>Practice safe eating - always use condiments

> <snicker> The face is pretty well healed up now. ;-)
> I'm not entirely sure it was the white woodears, it's just that I had
> not introduced anything else new that I can think of.
> We shall see! They add an interesting texture to some dishes, and they
> rehydrate well.

i once had an allergic ractionto chinese herbal toothpaste that only
affected the back of my thorat--could almost not swollow

tooth paste had a heavy pine taste and i brobably got a chemical
reaction to it

would not try to determine if you where allergic to the ear mushrooms as
you could get a severe reaction which means 911 and possible intubation
