The Wolf wrote:
> > > Now he's saying that they shot at him first. Anyone buy that one?
> > > Somehow I think if they had shot at him first, he'd probably be the
> > > one in the morgue or hospital.
> > >
> >
> > Yeah. I would buy it. I have heard enough talk about using a gun to chase
> > off intruders to think that they might have fired a warning shot, and that
> > shot might have been enough to set the guy off. It doesn't justify what the
> > guy said, but it might have pushed him over the edge.
> Well Dave,
> The dead hunters and their families better HOPE the perp is lying about
> them taking the first shot. Because IF the authorities find proof that
> they did. Johnny Cochran may be able to get him off. All he would need
> to do is seat you and 11 other libs.................
There you go again Wolf. You managed to read only the first sentence, and then
you short attention span let you down.