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TammyM wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> <snip>
> : I have no need of your All-Clad Lasagna Pan, as I'm quite content with my
> : Le Creuset enameled cast iron roasting pan. I've had it for years, and
> : it'll probably outlive me.
> <sigh> I'd love one of those. One of their big casseroles would do me
> well too. Some day...
> : As for those disposables from Wal-Mart or anywhere else, they're still
> : great for those occasions where you want or need to take something
> : somewhere and would rather not return home with a pan.
> My mother got one of the big alumininum roasting pans at the dollar store
> for the T-Day turkey. She decided that, this year, she wants dinner to be
> as easy for HER as possible, and I say good on her! She also went with
> paper plates this year. I told her I'd gladly, if nervously, do the
> dishes just to use the 'ancestral' china, but she was adamant.
> 30-people, oi! It was a relatively stress-free day all the way around
> which, in my fam, is unusual :-) She made the turkey and the potatoes,
> auntie and I did the rest.
> Next year, I think I'll take on the job, and then it will be completely
> stress-free for mom :-)
> Tammy
> Sacramento, California

it might get worse

problem is is that in many familyies the only time the women in the
family has any credibility is at at the table ( doubt she ever sat down
to eat--mom--please sit down and eat!!--never happens)

defusing stess ( or even hostility--the table is teh best place for
this) can lead to other madness--the table sceen in Fredrico Fellini's
felinies Amercord is the best

fwit ( for what it's worth)

goomba ustein