Julia Altshuler wrote:
> Steve Calvin wrote:
>> Julia Altshuler wrote:
>>> To make it a proper Thanksgiving dinner, I'm afraid you'll have to go
>>> out and get yourself a bunch of irritating or argumentative
>>> relatives. A truly traditional Thanksgiving consists of at least one
>>> participant who goes overboard with cleaning, cooking and other
>>> preparations, then ruins everything by complaining about how
>>> unappreciated she feels. You'll also need a bunch of guys watching
>>> football on t.v. and some energetic children making noise, running
>>> around and (bonus points) breaking things.
>> OUCH. Sure glad that things are different, and always have been, in
>> our family. My condolences.
> Oh, I haven't had a traditional Thanksgiving like the one described
> above in years and years, but I remember how it is supposed to go.
> Nowadays, Thanksgiving is a relatively tranquil affair without much
> food, no t.v., and a small guest list.
> --Lia
Phew, I'm glad for ya! ;-) Hopefully tomorrow will be a great day for
you and yours. And actually to everyone on the group!
Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken there... I'm gonna
eat the next thing that comes outta it's ass?"