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  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Mama2EandJ replied:

> >Thanksgiving 2004 Early Morning TV News
>>A turkey was given a breast check last evening and was promptly rushed
>>in for breast removal early this morning. Apparently this was a
>>serious condition because the operation was performed in the kitchen
>>of James and Melissa Simons rather than using a hospital emergency
>>room. The turkey is in critical condition.
>>We'll be back after this commercial announcement...........

> For those of us who have had breast cancer or a scare of breast cancer,
> this is really not funny at all, you idiot.

What's even more offensive is some politically-correct Nazi attempting to
police Usenet and dictate what is and is not humorous, you bagbiter.

FWIW, I didn't find the OP *sidesplittingly* funny, more like Saturday Night
Live funny, but your post was just cranio-colonic.
