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Michael Horowitz
Posts: n/a
(Lynn Gifford) wrote:
>Melba's Jammin' > wrote in message >...
>> (snip)
>> Post-its. 5x7"
>Post-its by 3M
>(Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing)
>N'est ce pas?
>Lynn from Fargo
>PS: are your lists hand written or computer generated?
Both. It starts off with a three column table.
Col 'A' is the thing we're cooking i.e. "Sauted Chic.Livers"
Col 'B' lists the things that I will need to purchase to support i.e.
"2 Onions, 1lb Livers, etc"
Col 'C' is for my wife; I make comments like "serve on the four inch
glass plates with a bed of lettuce" (she sets the table and insures
all the serving bowls/spoons are at hand)
Col 'D' is initially blank.
Col 'D' gets penciled comments like "don't forget to put water on the
table", "250^/:30", "reduce gravy for :30"
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