Goomba38 wrote:
> I just heard why they call it "Black Friday" as it
> is the day that should put a stores finances in
> the black if it's a good sales day. It didn't make
> sense to me before either.
> Goomba
Well this is the first time I've ever heard the term (and I'm 50). It's
just another concept the media cooked up to catch folks' attention...
I don't understand why people would endure mob scenes to buy cheap stuff
that is available elsewhere and at other times...thank G-d for online
shopping and mail order...
I must confess I lucked out at Walgreen's on a "seven hour sale" of those
Hershey's giant candy bars @ two for a dollar, but I was in Wag's to buy
other things, not necessarily the cheapo chocolate...
I stopped at Radio Shaque to buy a mouse pad and there were people there
buying up those $19.95 DVD players (among other assorted junk). I remarked
to one buyer, "You'll be back when that DVD player breaks on ya in a few
weeks' or months' time...".