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Sheldon replied:

>>Everytime I saute scallops, I can't get them to brown properly because
>>they secrete too much liquid which creates more of a boiling result
>>than a saute result.

> Your pan temperature is much too wussy... more HEAT!

That might help, but the scallops themselves are more likely to be the
problem. From

"until recently, the only scallops available to most consumers were mushy,
watery ones that had been soaked in water and preservatives. They gurgled
rather than sizzled in the frying pan, and shriveled up as they cooked.
Traditionally, wet-pack scallops were preferred by packers and stores
because the preservative (usually tripolyphosphate) extended the shelf life,
and the water added weight that consumers paid for at scallop prices."

In other words, if you've got the wet-pack scallops (which are both the most
readily available and the cheapest), you CAN'T sear them; they've just
got too much water.
