Milk spoiling question.....
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Wayne Boatwright wrote:
(netter) wrote in news:d074b423.0411212044.1ff488b2
>>Assuming it stays refrigerated, does milk spoil quicker after it has
>>been opened? Or, could I pour a new container of milk into an open
>>glass pitcher and have it keep just as long? My friends have a variety
>>of opinions on are you sure of your answer? Thanks...
> Most things will spoil more quickly in a completely open container than in a
> closed one, milk included. There is significantly more opportunity for
> bacteria, mold spores, etc., to settle on the contents when there is no
> cover.
I'd have to agree with this & add that I have noticed that milk tends to
stay better longer in cardboard containers than in plastic. Just my
personal experiences though.
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