Opinion please...
In article > , Peter
Aitken > wrote:
> "stewart" > wrote in message
> .. .
> > I'm considering a pressure-marinador.
> >
> > Take a Pressure cooker
> >
> > Drill a hole and screw in an air inlet nipple.
> > place food into cooker
> > cover with marinade
> > put several lbs of pressure to "force" marinade into the meat.
> >
> >
> > your thoughts???
> Won't work. As soon as you apply pressure the meat will be compressed
> slightly until the pressure inside the meat will be the same as the pressure
> outside, so there's no force pusing the marinade in.
Thanks for your reply.
I was thinking that the pressurization of air would force the liquid
into the meat.
Wouldn't it??