Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 08:38:32 -0500, Siobhan Perricone
> > wrote:
>> We're moving into the new house on Tuesday. TWO DAYS! AAAIIIEEEEEE!
> Congratulations, Siobhan! Having recently moved myself, allow me to
> counsel you on one thing: when the packers are packing the boxes, mark
> on the outside where you'll want the box placed in the new house, not
> where in the old house the box was packed. It can save your sanity
> when box after box comes in and the movers want to know where you want
> this, lady?
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
Indeed! But make sure you are around to supervise the movers! I had all my
boxes labelled for the rooms they should go in. But I had the misfortune of
having had to rush my suddenly very ill dog to the vet the morning of moving
day. When I got to my new apartment, my phone wasn't working. (Turned out
the prior tenants had hard-wired an alarm into the phone system but didn't
tell anyone). So I went to the office to use their phone to check on my dog
and call the phone company to beg for repair that evening; I was terrified
my dog would die.
While I was gone, my ever-helpful older brother Paul told the movers just to
stack all the remaining boxes in the front bedroom. GRRRRR. Took me *ages*
just to find towels, soap and shampoo that night! Of course that box was
buried underneath boxes of hardback books.