looking for a small food chopper/processor
I'm in need of a small food processor. I don't want a full sized one
because I wouldn't use it enough to justify the expense. I have used those
hand cranked jobs that they hawk at flea markets and such. They actually
work pretty well and except for the fact that I have to buy a new one every
year, they would suit my needs. I once bought a small electric chopper that
seemed like a great idea but didn't work worth beans. It couldn't chop more
than about a quarter cup of vegetables at a time. More than that and it
wouldn't mix and chop. In other words it would only chop what was on the
bottom and wouldn't pull the upper layers into the blade. You ended up with
chunky, lumpy stuff. Now I see that Cuiseneart and Kitchen Aid both make a
miniature food processor or chopper for around $49. Any one have any
favorites? Cuisenart also has a mid sized processor for around $100. Again
I don't do that much to justify getting one. Why in the hell Kitchen Aid
doesn't make one that sits on their blender base I will never know. Other
blender manufacturers do but I just purchased an overpriced ($119) Kitchen
Aid blender an don't need another one. I'd like to take it back because it
isn't that good of a blender. The controls are whacky and the glass
blending pitcher is heavy as hell. Appreciate any suggestions.
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