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Nancy Young
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Steve Calvin wrote:

> Actually, it's not really all that difficult to get "turned around" in
> most stands of timber, especially if it's very thick. That's why I
> bought a good GPS and always carry spare/fresh batteries. I haven't
> *had* to rely on it yet but it's nice to know I have it. (with waypoints
> marked of course)

Man, one time I missed a marker on Mt. Washington. No trees, just
rock piles you're supposed to follow. We were hiking down and
wound up on the road above treeline. (bad words deleted) Had to
hike back up to the last marker (I know they have a name). Bad
enough we had miles to go to the bottom, I sure didn't need the
extra mile/whatever. But at least I knew, head down. Little
different in the forest. Still, I'd just read the list of names
of people who'd died hiking on the mountain due to sudden bad
weather, and sure enough, it got a little shaky for a while.

I also once got completely turned around in a state park. How
embarrassing is that. It was getting dark, that was scary.
Where's a park ranger when you need them? (laugh) I coulda
used a good Mounty.
